Saturday, November 3, 2012

October's Bakin' Friends

** Note ** This was supposed to be posted on Halloween. Due to Hurricane Sandy- I was unable to get into my office and retrieve my camera so I could post the pictures. I meant to post the text (since my pictures kind of stink anyway) but time kind of got away from me. I apologize to Erin and Steph!

It's time for this month's installment of  Bakin' Friends, a baking swap called Bakin' Friends hosted by Stephanie of Steph's Bite by Bite. Each monthfeatures a new "secret ingredient" and different participant match ups. 

This month's secret ingredient was pumpkin. Although I've often indulged in pumpkin treats, I've never actually cooked with it- so I was eager to try it. I made Pumpkin Toffee Cookies- which you can read about over at Erin's blog The Spiffy Cookie

I was a bit dopey this month and totally forgot to let Steph know that I was in for the swap. Duhr. Luckily- Erin forgot as well so we were able to be paired up. 

I was so excited to receive my pumpkin treat from her- and they certainly lived up to my excitement. 

Wait until you taste these Pumkin Oreo Truffles- they are so unbelievably decadent, moist, chocolate-y and delicious. I've long been a fan of the traditional oreo truffles- made with cream cheese, but I'm a convert!

I have to apologize for the lack of pictures. My camera is on the fritz- only taking 1 or 2 pictures for every 20 I snap. :-(  I need to work on getting it fixed- in the meantime I may go out and buy a point and shoot, since I'd like to have one anyhow for quick pics on the go. (Recommendations, anyone?)

I totally brought these to work and left them there to keep them away from my husband (who happens to be an Oreo Truffle FIEND!) Best. Idea. Ever. I brought them home on Friday with about 8 left and he ate them all. In about 5 minutes. 

Anyway, the secret to these babies is subbing canned pumpkin puree for the cream cheese. The result is super moist and super rich and, I like to believe, super HEALTHIER!! I mean, pumpkin is a vegetable. A veggie in a dessert?! Genius!

Do yourself a favor and try these ASAP!

Pumpkin Oreo Truffles (courtesy of Erin at the Spiffy Cookie)

1 package Oreo Cookies
1 cup canned pumpkin puree
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
2 bars semi sweet baker's chocolate
Decorations/toppings (optional)

In a food processor, puree oreo cookies into fine crumbs. Add in pumpkin puree and pie spice and blend well. Shape into 1" balls and freeze on a lined cookie sheet for 15 minutes. Roll in melted chocolate using 2 forks and place back on baking sheet. Sprinkle with toppings if desired. 

Let me know what you think! 

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Damn You Sandy!!

Let's start from the last time I posted. I was feeling defeated because I gained weight. Well, i'm happy to day that I was down 2.6lbs at LAST weeks weigh in. I was really happy! I had upped my calories to 1700 a day after following the advice in this My Fitness Pal post: In Place of a Road Map. Read it- you won't be sorry! 

Since that weigh in, I've been WAY WAY WAY off track. Way. My weekend started off pretty well, I was tracking, watching my intake. When the threat of Hurricane Sandy became real, I drove off the road (metaphorically speaking.) I was in the house with Halloween candy. Ice cream. Chips. Nothing good came of that. I've eaten more chocolate since Monday than I have in the last 2 years. 

We were so VERY VERY lucky not to have gotten any damage from the storm. Everyone I know is alive and safe. Our home came out unscathed and we already have power back. I know many people whose homes were severely damaged or completely ruined, there are almost a million people without power here on Long Island. My prayers go out to all those who have lost so much. :-( If anyone in my area (Western Suffolk County, south shore) needs somewhere to shower, watch the news or charge electronics please contact me!

anyway, weigh in isn't until tomorrow morning, but I'm fully expecting to have gained back that 2.6 lbs. We shall see. 

I had a fully clothed, afternoon preview weigh in at the doctor today and (as expected) I was up. I'm curious to see how my nekkid morning weigh in will go.

More on my doctor appointment and what he suggests:

  • Do mostly non-weight bearing exercise like the elliptical machine or swimming. This would be difficult as I don't belong to a gym, but I'm going to stick with low impact exercise- walking, C25K and continue with Zumba. 
  • Follow the South Beach Diet. This one I am TOTALLY on board with. I even have the book already (some where :-/). His reasoning is sound- the medication I take daily makes it difficult for the body to process starches and thus makes it difficult to lose weight! I never knew this.
  • Having my thyroid checked. I'd love to have something to blame my fatty fatness on, but I'm doubting anything will come of the tests. 
If anyone has any South Beach Friendly recipes, feel free to pass them along. 

I know I seem to jump around A TON on this blog, when I actually post, that is. I'm just trying to find my way and it isn't easy. Please have patience with me and continue to offer up your advice. 

Thanks for reading!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Feeling defeated

It's been another busy week (I REALLY need to start scheduling blog posts!) and we've come to another weigh in day. And thus, another failure.

I'm feeling very discouraged, annoyed, defeated, FAT. I don't know what went wrong this week. I stepped on the scale on Wednesday and I had lost the 0.8 I gained last week, so I expected to be even lower today. Instead I was UP from last week!! WTF?!?

I don't get it. I was at or under my calories each week day. I didn't go crazy last weekend. I did 2 C25k workouts and my Zumba class. I haven't had soda in 8 days. I've been drinking plenty of unsweetened iced tea and regular water to get my hydration.

The ONLY think I can think of- maybe my sodium intake was too high? I think I need to start watching that a bit more since my lunches often consist of canned soup or cold cuts. I'm also ovulating this week, so I guess that could have something to do with it.

I mean, I didn't eat the perfect foods all week. One night dinner was a happy meal (not the mighty one- the regular teeny tiny one) another night it was PB&J, last night was a wrap from Tropical Smoothie Cafe. BUT- all fit within my calories.

Maybe someone could take a look at my diary on MFP and give me some insight? I know many people say you should eat exercise calories, or increase calories to 15% less than BMR, but I'm not ready for that. I want to see quick results right now. I NEED to see results to feel like I'm doing something, to boost my willpower, to motivate me to keep at it.

As difficult as it is- I'm going to have to start logging weekend calories. :-/  We just do so much running around on the weekends and I don't have a smart phone to do it while I'm on the go.

So- insight? Advice? Please?!!?

In other news- like I mentioned above- I've completed days 1 & 2 of C25k Week 1. Day 1 was sooo much easier than I remember it being last time! Day 2 was still easier, but a little harder for me than day 1. I attribute it to being later at night- I was exhausted and ready to fall asleep when I dragged my butt out there. I also started to feel shin splints starting up. I'm going to persevere and do Day 3 tomorrow.

Since I know everyone likes pictures, I'm going to share a few of my cuties from last weekend when we went pumpkin picking. I love these girls, they truly make life a joy!

(Sorry for the horrible quality- my DSLR isn't working right so hubby used his iPhone camera)


Thanks for reading!! 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Weigh in defeat

Wow...I'm really slacking off here lately! I guess there really hasn't been all that much going on to write about :-D

The week in review:


  • Tracked everything from Monday-Friday
  • Zumba!!
  • Cooked 3 nights and will cook again tomorrow night
  • When I went to the diner for dinner with the kids and my mom- I was on my best behavior! I ordered off the diet menu- 5oz grilled chicken, steamed veggies and boiled potato
  • I bought a bag of yummy sounding cookies (Pepperidge Farm Caramel Apple Pie Cookies) and ate one for dessert. I brought the rest of the bag to work and let my co-workers go at 'em.
  • I wanted to re-start the C25K program because I'm getting serious 5k envy! Unfortunately, I just didn't do it. It was a combination of crappy weather, being out of the house at night (for food shopping, zumba and a focus group), a stiff neck and shoulder and plain old "I don't feel like it" that kept me from getting out there. I'm hoping this week it will actually happen. 
  • Tracking was non-existent last weekend. 
  • Today's weigh in. I'm up 0.8 lbs. :-( 
I'm thinking the gain has to do with the lack of tracking last weekend, lack of walking and the lack of bathroom activity this week (sorry for the TMI- but you know you wait til after using the bathroom to weigh in!) 

Anyway, I'm going to try to get in more walking and the first week of C25k next week. I'm hoping to see a big loss at the next weigh in to make up for this week. We shall see!

Thanks for reading! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

2nd Weigh in and Visual Goals

I can't believe I haven't blogged in a week!! I feel like time flew by and I never had a time for anything- but really, I didn't even do much.

Last weekend was kind of rough. I didn't track anything, but I didn't go too crazy either. Even though I was diligent with tracking all week, I didn't get in much exercise. It didn't come as too much of a surprise when I weighed in this morning and had lost 1.8 lbs. I was hoping for at least 2, but I'll take it! I need to be more conscious of tracking everything tonight and tomorrow. Sunday is my day off!

I started Zumba this past Wednesday and it was a lot of fun!! I remember it being much easier to do before I had Hannah (and even easier before I had Brooke!) but I made it through the class fairly comfortably. I observed something interesting while I was there. The woman next to me in class was very pretty and had a perfect body (although, I'm fairly certain her boobs were fake :-D ). I sort of inwardly cringed when she stood next to me. I was already feeling self conscious and standing next to Malibu Barbie wasn't going to do much to help my self esteem. Surprisingly, when the music started and we all started to dance- this girl had NO rhythm!! It was comical really. Then, she needed to stop and rest after only a few minutes. She couldn't really do any of the steps and continually knocked into people. I give her major props because she was having fun and didn't seem at all embarrassed (not that she should have been- I just know I would've)! It just goes to show you though- skinny does not equal fit! Skinny does not equal coordination! It made me feel slightly better ;-)

I've started trying to visualize where I want to be weight wise. Every December the company I work for has a holiday party at a catering hall . The last 3 years have pretty much sucked in the way of wardrobe. 3 years ago I was 7 months pregnant with Brooke, the following year I was still fat after having her and last year I didn't even go (since I had Hannah only a few weeks earlier).

This year I'm determined to be able to wear something cute. I've already started looking and saving things to a board on Pinterest (Skinny Clothes) here are a few I've found so far:



BCBG from Blue Fly

Sue Wong at Blue Fly

How amazing is the back?!!

I realize that wearing any of these dresses is kind of a lofty goal- but I'm hoping to be able to do something LIKE them! Even if I need to wear a little jacket or something!

What do you think? Do you have a list of clothes you aspire to wear?

Thanks for reading!!

PS: Head on over to Danica's Daily  to enter the Yoplait Greek Yogurt Giveaway!! 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Week 1 is done! My weigh in

It wasn't a full week, but since I weighed in last Friday and then proceeded to stuff myself like a sausage all weekend, I figured I'd weigh in anyway and if it wasn't a loss- I'd know why.

If you're following me on MFP- you already know, I'm down 4.6 lbs!!!!!!!! So freakin' excited!!!!!!!! Seeing that number on the scale this morning definitely amps up the motivation to keep on keepin' on!

How did you do this week?

Thanks for reading!!

Bakin' Friends!

It's time for this month's installment of  Bakin' Friends  (a baking swap hosted by Stephanie of Steph's Bite by Bite. Each month will feature a new "secret ingredient" and different participant match ups.)

This month the secret ingredient was cinnamon- yum! What better way to usher in the fall season than with a fragrant cinnamon treat?!

This month my Bakin' Friend was Kathleen author of the delicious blog Sweetness Hunter. Check her out for some recipes to satisfy that sweet tooth!

Kathleen sent me Caramel Stuffed Apple Cider Cookies- which I have actually made before, but I liked her's better. Maybe that's because I didn't have to do the work ;-) Things always taste better when someone else makes them!

The BEST part about these cookies is that they were waiting for me when I came home from vacation. After a loooong day of traveling with 4 kids (my 2 and my nieces) and some cranky adults ( husband...ahem), these little caramel stuffed pillows were exactly what I needed.

The only way to eat these, in my humble opinion, is to stick 'em in the microwave for 10 seconds. This gets the caramel all gooey again.

Kathleen packaged these up so adorably- check out those stickers! How perfect!!

Check out the yummy, gooey caramel in these, I wish I had saved some for a rainy day!

Kathleen, thank you so much for these! 

If you are interested in joining our Bakin' Friends group, contact our leader Stephanie!

Thanks for reading!

PS-- I totally forgot to mention that I baked for someone who doesn't blog! I didn't take pictures, but the Nutella Stuffed Cinnamon Sugar Muffins I made were yummy (and totally NOT healthy!!!). You can check out the recipe at Sally's Baking Addiction. (Photo is her's- mine were a lot bigger, lol)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I want to lose an elephant's penis

That's one thing I never thought I'd say!! 

Someone posted this list on My Fitness Pal and I had to share! What do you want to lose? What have you already lost?

1 lb. = a Guinea Pig 
1.5 lbs. = a dozen Krispy Kreme glazed donuts 
2 lb. = a rack of baby back ribs 
3 pounds = an average human brain 
4 pounds = an ostrich egg 
5 pounds = a Chihuahua 
8 pounds = a human head 
10 pounds = chemical additives an American consumes each year 
11 pounds = an average housecat 
12 pounds = a Bald Eagle 
15 pounds = 10 dozen large eggs 
16 pounds = a sperm whale's brain 
20 pounds = an automobile tire 
23 pounds = amount of pizza an average American eats in a year 
25 pounds = an average 2 year old 
30 pounds = amount of cheese an average American eats in a year 
33 pounds = a cinder block 
36 pounds = a mid-size microwave 
40 pounds = a 5-gallon bottle of water or an average human leg 
44 pounds = an elephants heart 
50 pounds = a small bale of hay 
55 pounds = a 5000 BTU air conditioner 
60 pounds = an elephant’s penis 
66 pounds = fats and oils an average American eats in a year 
70 pounds = an Irish Setter 
77 pounds = a gold brick 
80 pounds = the World’s Largest Ball of Tape 
90 pounds = a newborn calf 
100 pounds = a 2 month old horse 
111 pounds = red meat an average American eats in a year 
117 pounds = an average fashion model (and she is 5'11") 
118 pounds = the complete Encyclopedia Britannica 
120 pounds = amount of trash you throw away in a month 
130 pounds = a newborn giraffe 
138 pounds = potatoes an average American eats in a year 
140 pounds = refined sugar an average American eats in a year 
144 pounds = an average adult woman (and she is 5'4½") 
150 pounds = the complete Oxford English Dictionary

It really puts things in perspective! (Not that I even know what an elephant's penis would feel like! HA!)

2 days down, a lifetime to go

Day 2 was another good day- even though I started with a high cal smoothie (whoops!). I meant to make a Body by Vi smoothie (using the mix my BFF Supermom Amanda sent me) with skim milk, a banana and a little bit of Nutella. I learned a few important lessons:
- NEVER assume that healthy=low calorie. Who knew a banana was so high in calories?! Crazy!
- ALWAYS check the milk container to make sure it's the right one! I buy 2% for my daughter and skim milk for myself. I grabbed and used the 2%. D'oh.
- Nutella is yummy and would be a great additive if the banana and milk didn't already add too many calories.

So- My "light" smoothie breakfast wound up costing me 361 calories! It was delicious (how could it not be with frozen banana and Nutella?!) and held me over, but I would have preferred something more substantial for that many calories.

I wound up escaping after dinner last night to do my favorite "me time" activity- wandering wistfully around Homegoods. I have quite a wish list going on! I'm so broke it's scary so it truly is a WISH list. My home is severely lacking in furniture and decor, but until we stop struggling with the bills, it will have to do!

Anyway (that was a bit of a tangent there, huh?) when I got home I took the dog for a shorter walk than I had originally planned. It was probably more of a 15-20min walk than 30.

Tonight I'm going to peruse Netflix and see what kind of workouts I can get from there! Any suggestions?

Thanks for reading!

OH!!! I wanted to add- I've been tracking all of my meals and activity in the morning on MFP- but I do my exercise at night once the kids are in bed ;-)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Why does it hurt?!

I'm happy to say that Day 1 went great! I'm most proud of the fact that when I was stressed out and mad at Hubby last night, and all I wanted to do was dive into the bag of chips in the pantry, I went on-line and signed up for Zumba instead  :-D . Of course, spending $70 I don't have isn't all that much better than eating my stress, but at least some good will come out of it.

After dinner and putting the girls to bed I went out and met a few friends for a nice long walk. We walked for about an hour and I enjoyed every minute of the fresh air, adult conversation and lack of whining (mostly- I did do some whining about my evening  ;-) ). Unfortunately, I woke up with the baby last night and my left leg was aching badly and my feet hurt this morning. It won't stop me from walking again tonight, but I'm definitely going to make an appointment for a physical. I haven't had one in years, and I should really discuss my weight loss goals and exercise plans with someone. I want to make sure I'm doing it right. I just don't understand how something as simple as walking can cause so many aches and pains. It's annoying.

I want to put out a call for suggestions on what to do with lean ground beef or turkey. It's very wallet friendly, but I feel like all the ways I know how to make it are high calorie. 

Please share your favorite recipes!

Thanks for reading!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Starting from scratch- new goals

I finally stepped on the scale this morning for the first time in over a month (I think). I was right- I'm back where I started. Actually, I'm 1 pound above where I started. So, I basically wasted my money on Weight Watchers. Sigh.

It's time to start over again with My Fitness Pal. Thank you to those who have "friended" me on there! I won't be actively tracking until Monday because I know this weekend isn't going to be too great. I'm not going to set myself up for failure from the start. Monday is a fresh work week and a fresh start.

Here are my new goals:


-Stay at or close to 1200 calories 6 days a week
-Allow myself 1 cheat day a week- but not a free for all
-No fast food
-Drink Water!!
-Cook at least 4 times per week


-Kickboxing 2x per week for 5 weeks (I bought a 10 class package from Groupon)
-Walk 30-45min 3x per week
-Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred 

I will update my goals again after I finish the Shred!

Please feel free to offer any advice!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Where I'm at

I'm home after my 10 day vacation in Prosperity, South Carolina. It wasn't really a relaxing vacation- how could it be with 6 adults, 2 toddlers, 2 infants and a puppy all under 1 roof?! For a few days there were 2 more adults and 2 teenage boys thrown into the mix as well. Whew...I'm getting exhausted again just thinking about it.

This view is worth it though...

It wasn't as much as a free for all, as far as eating, as I expected it to be. Of course- I indulged a few times, but overall, I wasn't too bad!

I will admit- I haven't done my re-start weigh in yet. I fully expect to be back where I started pre-weight watchers, which sucks, but I'll own it.

So, I'm going to do some My Fitness Pal research and freezer/pantry inventory and lay out a plan . I already have a goal in mind- 20-25lbs gone by Christmas, walking at least 30 minutes 3-4 times a week, possibly finding some sort of Zumba or Yoga class.

I'll be back tomorrow with more of a plan in mind.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012



-I will adapt to a healthier lifestyle

-I will be able to exercise without pain

-I will actually cook the quinoa that's been in my pantry for weeks

-I will prefer a piece of fruit over a bowl of ice cream

-I will be healthy

Unfortunately, that day didn't come this summer- but it will. I know it will. It HAS to.

I'm going on vacation to my parents' lake house for 10 days. There will be plenty of eating- but there will also be lots of activity- kayaking, water skiing (if I can get my fat ass up on them), swimming and walking. Maybe it will even itself out if I try not to go totally buck wild with the junk food.

I haven't weighed myself in weeks. I have no plans to do so before I go away. I know I gained- I don't need to see the number to know that.

I will face the music when I get back.

My Weight Watchers subscription ended and I am not renewing. Going forward- I will be using My Fitness Pal. My username is kh9107. Please be my friend- pretty please? ;-)

I'll definitely be checking in before I leave and while I'm there.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Bakin' Friends in all the right places

I know this is supposed to be a weight loss blog- and I promise, I am still working on that goal- but everyone needs a little fun now and then, right?

 With that in mind, I decided to join a group of bloggers (and some non-bloggers) and participate in a baking swap called Bakin' Friends hosted by Stephanie of Steph's Bite by Bite. Each month will feature a new "secret ingredient" and different participant match ups. This month's secret ingredient was rolled oats. It seems like a pretty easy ingredient- but it was so hard to choose something to make! It needs to have the secret ingredient and be able to last long enough to be shipped across the country if need be (and mine went clear across the country- all the way to California!)

I'll let Anne from Have a Cookie tell you all about what I ended up baking and get on to the yumminess that
showed up in my mailbox this month!

When I pulled up in my driveway after work and saw a box on the porch I immediately started racking my brain to figure out what I ordered online and forgot about (This MAY be a sign I do too much internet shopping...). When it dawned on me that it MUST be my Bakin' Friends treat I was just relieved that I got home before my husband! Both my girls were sleeping so I was able to rip into the box right away and see what was inside. I apologize in advance for the poor picture quality. I'm still learning to use the manual setting on my Nikon and the lighting, although better outside than in my dark kitchen, wasn't so great in my backyard. Plus- I was trying to keep the dog from getting into everything!

I already knew I was getting treats from Chris, who doesn't have a blog- but has been commenting on mine since we were paired up- Hi, Chris! I wish I could tell you where Chris sent these from, but I tore into the box so fast, I didn't really think to look. I'm pretty sure they came from Wisconsin?? I could be totally wrong- it DOES happen from time to time ;-)

So simple- you'd never know that this was a box full of yum!

Nestled inside the box, wrapped in protective bubble wrap was this simple and pretty tulle wrapped container:

 Which was filled with super delicious Oatmeal Peanut Butter Squares! They were sooo good- seriously- and healthy to boot! (Because anything that includes oats is healthy, right?!) I couldn't believe how moist they were even after shipping! They had a great peanut butter flavor, a generous amount of chocolate chips and some chewy oats. I ate 2 while I took these pics. Then I shared with my daughter, my husband, my sister in law, then I ate more. Unfortunately, by the time Monday came around, they were gone! (No self control- hence the need for a weight loss blog!). My sister didn't even have a chance to taste them.

But- I have the recipe! So, I can make these again for all those who didn't get to have any!

Thank you so much, Chris! 

Interested in participating in the next installment of Bakin' Friends? Check out all the information and rules here: Bakin' Friends

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Please skip your Starbucks Latte today...

And donate that $5 to Baby Easton (the little guy in the picture above). Easton is the nephew of a popular Long Island photographer (who actually took my niece's newborn pictures). He was born on August 23 with Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB):

...a rare genetic skin disease that causes the skin to be so fragile that the slightest friction can cause severe blistering—inside and outside the body. Today there is no cure. Severe forms of EB cause patients to live with constant pain and scarring. The worst forms of EB lead to eventual disfigurement, disability and often early death.There are many patients who are diagnosed with milder forms, which, while they can be extremely difficult to live with, are non-disfiguring and non-lethal.
The only treatment for EB is daily wound care and bandaging. The daily routine is a grueling, multi-faceted daily regimen. Caregivers, often parents or family members of EB children, must work in tandem with medical professionals to determine and administer different treatment methods to care for EB wounds.
With skin as fragile as a butterfly wing, EB patients are dubbed “Butterfly Children”. On the outside physical wounds prevent them from normal daily activities enjoyed by other children. On the inside, their dreams are the same as any child who loves, plays, learns and grows despite the pain and impediment caused by their disease. With the programs and services of Debra of America, EB’s Butterfly Children and their families find the support they so desperately need. Debra of America works to ensure that a life of struggle is also a life of hope for the 1 out of every 50,000 live births in the United States affected by EB. (Source)
This poor baby shakes in pain whenever he needs to eat, poop, have a diaper or bandage change. I'm not sure what God's purpose is in making an innocent baby suffer. I can't imagine the emotional pain his parents must feel.

To read more about baby Easton and his parents and brothers and donate that $5 (or more!) please visit Help Save Easton on Indiegogo.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Where, oh where

Where oh where has my willpower gone?
Oh, where oh where can it be?
I eat whatever I can see
Oh willpower come back to me!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Now what?

I haven't done the C25K since last Wednesday's disaster. I have a (pretty) good excuse- pain. I'm not sure what happened, maybe it's the new sneakers? After I posted that night I sat down on the couch and discovered that my legs, ankles and feet all felt very tender to the touch. It felt as if someone had taken a bat to my lower extremities. Not a great feeling. When I woke up the next morning barely able to walk I decided to consult Dr.Google. Turns out- I had shin splints! What an embarrassment. Not even 2 full minutes of my (pathetic excuse for) running at a time and I get shin splints.

I took to Facebook to see what I should do next since I have many fitness minded friends. Here is a brief sample of responses (I edited them for brevity):

Friend 1: running on concrete is bad.

Friend 2: Run through the pain

Friend 3: Stretch.

Very Knowledgeable Friend 4: Get new sneakers (be fitted), try more strength training, do NOT run through the pain. Increase intensity OR duration by 10% each week.

Friend 5: Go slower. Buy shoes on sale at target.

Friend 6: Use tape supports

Friend 7: Ice and ibuprofen. get new sneakers. Rest until you feel better.

Friend 5's Hubby: Eat better. I don't know what your diet is like now but set up a proper routine. It makes a huge difference. (We're not 22 anymore)

Very knowledgeable Friend 8: Do NOT run through the pain. Ice and stretch. Get good shoes and walk a few minutes before you jog.

So, to review- I spent $65 on crap shoes, am doing too much on the wrong surface and eating poorly. I knew I was eating poorly- but the others- WHY?!?! Why can other people grab a pair of shoes and hit the pavement? This is such a blow to the ego and to my determination, my oomph, my get up and go (I can't figure out just what the feeling is).

I need to find another way to burn some calories without joining a gym. My father says to walk with the kids. That would involve avoiding all parks in the area to ward off tantrums from my 2 yr old, stopping every few minutes to pick up thrown items, packing a crap load of "just in case" stuff to bring along.

I'm thinking roller blades. I have a pair that haven't been used in 3 years.
Hopefully they still fit.
Hopefully I remember how.
Hopefully I won't somehow hurt myself.

I'm also thinking I may go back to Week 1/Day 1 of the C25K and do it with a friend on a track. Maybe that will help without having to buy new shoes. I feel like such a fool talking about icing my feet/legs, doing major stretching, etc for what is basically a glorified walk with a bounce. Why can't it be easier?! The eating thing is hard enough- once I get up the drive to actually exercise- my body rebels against me. It's so not fair. I was just starting to get excited about all the different races there are to compete in- color runs, mud runs, zombie runs, regular ol' runs for charities I believe in and support.

Please, please share some advice if you've been through this before. I need some been there, done thats.

Thanks for reading.

PS- my sister is giving me back my goal jeans. She has grown out of them in reverse. They are too big on her. I love her and at the same time I hate her (not really, Jen- I just hate me for not having any will power.Hugsandkissesandeverythingnice)

PPS- I may post some motivational "Before" pictures tomorrow. I haven't decided if I want to subject my small audience to such horrors.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

F is for Failure

Sometimes I feel like I fall short in everything I do.

Back in the day, I was an overachiever. I thrived on overextending myself. Somehow- in the last 13 years since High School- that has changed. These days, I don't overachieve. I don't even achieve most of the time.   I feel overwhelmed all. of. the. time. There is so much I want to do- but it all seems so difficult that I pretty much give up before I even start.

I want to lose weight yet I have no willpower (Have you noticed the lack of Weigh in Wednesday posts?)
I want to be great at my job yet I don't even like it enough to give it my full attention when I can.
I want to be the perfect Mom yet my kids are stuck at work with me every day where I can only give them little bits of attention.
I want to be a great wife yet I am constantly bickering with my husband.
I want to have a lovely house yet I can barely find time to finish one load of laundry.

I can't seem to get it together lately. I always feel so tired. Is it laziness? Is it normal? I'm not sure how to fix it. I want to get back to the way things used to be. I want to be a more current version of the straight A student I used to be.
I'd love to get back to looking like this- and I thought I was fat here!!

In the past few weeks I've at least been following the C25K plan- but tonight I even failed at that. I wasn't feeling it- but I went anyway. I was only able to finish half of the runs. During the third 90 second run I got a stitch in my side (that's what it's called when it feels like someone is stabbing you under the ribs with every breath...right?) and I felt like I was going to barf up my dinner (sorry-TMI). I had to walk the rest of the way home except for one dark and creepy area that I felt compelled to run through.

I will re-do Week 2 Day 3 tomorrow- but I'm disappointed that I couldn't finish it today. It's just one more thing to add to the list.

Sorry for the pity party- I just needed to get that out.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New sneakers and the Couch to 5K with a friend


I finally bought some new shoes! I really wanted to be fitted at a running store, but I'm on a super tight budget so I did the Wet Foot Test and then went to Bob's Stores to try on some different brands. I
discovered that I have a normal foot and needed a neutral shoe. It turns out that my feet have grown since having 2 kids- and they were already large to begin with!!

I went with the Saucony Women's GridCrossfire:

Aren't they cute?!

So far they are ok. Last night when I did Day 2/Week 2 of the C25K my right calf felt as if it was going to snap and my feet were killing me when I finished. My feet have hurt after every "run" thus far- so I'm hoping it's because I'm heavy and not from the shoes.

When I'm back in the green with my finances I hope to get professionally fitted. For now, though, these will have to do.

Notice that I put "run" in quotes? I can't seem to say "I'm going for a run" without feeling like a total impostor. I'm too fat to be a runner. What I am currently doing as part of the C25K training plan cannot be considered running- right?! I'm barely eking out 2 miles in the 30 minutes it takes to complete a session. My 2 year old can go faster than that. 

Hopefully I can work up to the point where going for a "run" includes actual running!

I also want to introduce my new "running" (there are those quotes again...) buddy:

Devil Dog
That used to be a soccer ball
Bailey has been a terror since we got him as a puppy (he's only 2 years old now). He has a ton of energy and is destructive. Luckily, he is super friendly and loving and he hasn't destroyed anything major but shoes and toys add up when they constantly need to be replaced. Unfortunately, he hasn't been getting enough exercise which probably leads to the destructive behavior. So, I've decided to take him with me when I do the C25K training. He does pretty well I've only tripped over him twice so far and he's only decided to go on the opposite side of a telephone pole than I 4 times. I'm hoping he learns some good walking manners and expels some of his intense energy!

If you are interested in taking your buddy running with you- read up on it here: Pooch to 5K 

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Can't believe I'm sharing this...

Couch to 5K W1/D2- COMPLETE!!!

Annnd this is what I look like after an easy walk/run:

Purple-y! However- I feel great! Day 2 was definitely easier than day 1.

Thanks for reading!

Adding in some exercise

I finally took the plunge and started the Couch to 5k plan last week. I managed to complete Week 1/ Day 1 last Wednesday night after I got the kids settled in for the night. I actually really enjoyed it. Well- I enjoyed the peace and quiet of the streets at night, the fresh air and the pride in having finished the workout without cheating (or passing out). Things I didn't enjoy? Turning purple, actually running, finding myself on a road with no street lights, my craptastic sneakers and coming home to the dog barking like a madman, my 2 year old still awake and running around the house and my baby screaming in her crib. I had to take a 2 second shower and then deal with all the commotion before I settled in. Unfortunately, I was so sore from hauling my lard body all over town during Day 1- I haven't yet done Day 2. It's on tonight's agenda- as long as the weather holds out. 

If you're looking to try out a Couch to 5K program- here are some links to get you started:

The original program can be found on the Cool Running Website. There are plenty of beginner tips and forums that will help you get started.

The podcast I am using is from Running Into Shape. You'll find plenty of podcasts and apps out there so look around and find one that appeals to you. I wish I had a smart phone so I could use an app that supplies cues over your own music- but I have to make do with my old school iPod, however there are apps for both Apple and Droid operating systems.

 Last time I did the program (pre-kids) I used Robert Ullrey's podcasts. They worked just fine- but I prefer "real music" over techno beats. 

During the run I realized just how badly I need some new sneakers. They are definitely high on the priorities list. 

Has anyone done the Couch to 5K program? Any tips or tricks to share?

Thanks for reading! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I just found the coolest thing!!

I had to come on and share. I follow a whole group of bloggers from Utah and another group from Rhode Island. It seems really cool to have friends in the blogosphere that can also be friends in REAL LIFE!! So, while on a hunt to find some other bloggers from my area I came across Whispering Sweet Nothings. Not only is her blog really pretty, she has this totally awesome (hello, 1984 ;) ) feature that allows you to submit your blog and she'll map it. This way, you can look at the map and find other blogs from your area! Are you excited??? I am!

Check out Coast to Coast on Shane's blog- have fun! I can't wait to see who I'll find.

Thanks for reading!

Weigh in Wednesday

I don't really want to talk about it- but I will, since that's the point of this blog.

I has a VERY eventful long weekend- we attended a wake on Friday night and went back to a friend's house afterwards where there was chips, pizza and wine; Saturday we were out all day on a friend's boat where there was chips, beer, cocktails and burgers; Sunday I took the girls to my parent's and I was dealing with the aftershocks of the lovely message I received, there was chinese food, iced coffee and cheese and crackers; Monday we had to attend a funeral. I happened to spot the scale out of the corner of my eye while I was getting ready for the funeral and decided to see what kind of damage I had done over the weekend. To my EXTREME shock I was DOWN 3 lbs since last Wednesday! I even stepped back on twice to confirm. That certainly lifted my mood and I felt like I was rocking my LBD (Little Black (wrap) Dress- bought at Banana Republic and worth every penny! ;)). Well, as much as one can rock anything while attending a funeral. I took it pretty easy at the after service luncheon- filled half my plate with salad and had a few bites of some of the other things, then I had a fairly decent dinner. I didn't count points since we weren't home all day.

Yesterday, I stepped on the scale again with intentions of weighing in a day early since I knew I was going to a belated birthday dinner with a friend (Hi, Liz!). I didn't want to get all bloated from my yummy dinner and have to see the effects on the scale the next morning for weigh in (I know it's cheating- cut me some slack! I had a rough week!) You can imagine my surprise when I saw that there were 5 extra pounds on the scale since the day before! one. day. How is that even possible?!!? Needless to say, I didn't record that weight.

I ate VERY little yesterday since I knew dinner wouldn't be good. I didn't go nuts at dinner- but I wasn't very health conscious either.

Now, here it is- Wednesday- up ANOTHER 2 lbs from yesterday.

That makes me up 7 from Monday morning. up 4 from last week.

I really can't believe it. >.<

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Does Being Fat Make you a Bad Person?

***I apologize in advance for rambling on (and on and on) in this post. I've been thinking about what to write for a few days now, and I can't seem to put my thoughts into a cohesive essay.***

This weekend I was subject to some written abuse by a member of my husband's family. It was unprovoked and shocking. Apparently, this person hasn't liked me for a long time and all it took was a meme I posted on my Facebook page to set her off. It seems that most of her animosity for me comes from the fact that I'm fat. Her attack was peppered with the word- "FAT." Sure, she had some other things to say, but none bothered me more than this because I can't deny it.

I'm no stranger to ridicule stemming from my appearance. I was never skinny, even as a child, and people can be cruel. The names have run the gamut from "Shamu" to "Fat Ass" to "Wide Load." Most of the time the taunts came from pre-adolescent boys when I was a kid. I haven't had to deal with name calling in years. No, for the last 15 years the abuse has been internal. I hated myself. Looking in the mirror was difficult. I've married into a family full of thin women- I am by far the heaviest one at our gatherings. I've been the biggest in the bridal party for several weddings. It's both motivating and discouraging. I want to be one of the thin, fit ones. I will continue to work to get there. But for every pound I lose, there are still 20 more to go. Clothes shopping is a terrible chore. Nothing fits, and if it does, it almost never looks good. Almost every time I leave the store on the verge of tears. If, miraculously, I leave the store with something I'm happy with I will definitely change my mind once I get home and see what it "really" looks like. Also, am I the only one that looks in the mirror before I leave the house thinking I look pretty decent only to see photos later that prove I looked like a fat mess?! This is a cruel, cruel phenomenon.

I originally wanted to make a "word cloud" of all the derogatory names for fat people for the top of this post (unfortunately, I couldn't get the site to load) so I took to google to add to my arsenal. I found an old blog post called "Should we be mean to fat people? You bet." In it the author argues that negative reinforcement can only help. He equates the taunting of obese people to the anti-smoking campaigns that have become so popular in the past few years.
There are good arguments for being mean to fat people. Like smoking and riding a motorcycle without a helmet, obesity is a choice that drives up health costs for all of us. And there’s an even better argument: Because it works. In 1950, roughly half the population smoked. It’s now fallen below 20%. Why? Because of a panoply of mean-spirited anti-smoking measures, from taxation to advertising to social stigmatization to good old fashioned scolding. Humans are social creatures. We can’t help it. We care what others think. Make something uncool enough and we will stop doing it. Currently 2/3 of adult Americans are overweight and 1/3 are obese. If we are mean to fat people as we are to smokers, could we get that down below 20% as we have smoking?
Maybe I'm naive since I'm not a smoker, but I don't see those anti-smoking campaigns as mean. Blunt- yes, but not mean. I also believe that smoking is more of a choice than obesity. I agree that 99% of the time, obesity is the result of decades of poor choices- the choice to eat fast food instead of whole fruits and vegetables, to sleep in instead of exercising, to watch TV with a bowl of buttered popcorn instead of jogging to the local farmer's market for some fresh grapes. I disagree with the author's assumption that people are happy being fat and need a reality check. As if informing someone that they are obese and it isn't healthy will be shocking. They will say "You know- it never occurred to me to try and change. By golly- you're a genius!" And the "meanie" will be credited with changing someone's life since, after all, he was doing it out of love. Because, apparently, fat people need to be ridiculed for the benefit of all.

No, most of the people I know who are overweight aren't happy about it. They aren't sitting down at night planning how to get in the most calories and the least exercise the next day. They aren't walking into the plus size department in glee at all the fabulous frocks they get to wear! Nope, they are more likely standing in front of a mirror crying because nothing fits right and they aren't quite sure when it happened. Most of them are trying to do something about it. How does he know the person he's nagging about being overweight hasn't already lost 50lbs and is working on the rest?

I don't think negative reinforcement is the way to go.

I think this comment on the post says it better than I could:

BeaAugust 25, 2011 at 4:30 am :
You pick on overweight people because they are an easy target, and most people NEED to pick on someone. Makes them feel superior and satisfies some inner need to dominate someone. Overweight people are already ashamed, even if they are part of some small percent that have trouble being thin. Your society has already shamed them. They know you think they are lower than drug addicts, robbers, and some killers. In fact, you’d rather be seen hanging out with a notorious killer than with somebody fat, wouldn’t you? Overweight people probably won’t fight back. Most of them are mild, polite, empathetic, always worrying about hurting someone else because they’ve been hurt so much they know what it feels like. I don’t care where you got your statistics about what percent of people cannot help being fatter than the rest. Doctors are frequently wrong about many things. Some thin people barely eat, and are really fat people in disguise. Other thin people eat like horses and never gain an ounce. I know some of those. One in particular always criticizes people who are even slightly plump, without being grateful for her own rapid metabolism from birth.
You don’t need to start being mean to fat people. It’s not a new idea. Instead, when you see a fat person out and about, you should stop and be extra kind to them, because their coming out of the house today, into a cruel society, probably took more courage and guts than you expend in several years. Instead of hatefulness, try kindness and support. They already know they are overweight and that you find them abhorrent. Perhaps, though, they are too polite to tell you just how repugnant they find your ugly spirit.
To Bea- I love you. :-)

I'm certain the person who was calling me out this weekend wasn't doing it out of love. She knew exactly what to say to hurt me and said it over and over. After being upset about it for a little while I realized something important: being fat does not make me bad. As much as she would like to believe it and as often as I tell myself how horrible and gross I am- it doesn't make it true. If being overweight is the only thing I have to apologize for- than I would say I'm a good person. I'm smart, caring, nice and loving. I would never launch a personal attack on something because I disagree with something they say. I will do anything for my friends and family. I don't aim to hurt people, if I do it's entirely accidental and I will apologize and feel guilt.
I will lose this weight and she will have nothing to say that can hurt me.

Thanks for reading!

PS- I have decided to moderate all comments since I don't know who reads this blog and I don't want anyone posting inflammatory statements.

PPS- I decided to link this post for Project 10 this week. Please visit Stephanie's Mommy Brain for more information on Project 10!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Project 10- Popsicles: The Ultimate Summer Treat

You can read about Project 10 HERE.

I went to a Tupperware party last Friday night and, although I am broke and promised myself I wouldn't spend more than I had to in order to be polite, I spent $60. Apparently, I do this EVERY time I go to a Tupperware party. The "Leader" asked us to name our favorite piece of Tupperware that we own. As I flipped through the catalog I realized that I own many, many pieces! Anyway, I'd like to think that the money is going towards my health goals since I have the best intentions for both (yes, only 2 items for $60 ::faint:: Was Tupperware always INSANELY expensive?!).

The first is simple- a pitcher to use for cold lemon-water. I already have a Brita pitcher but I honestly prefer water straight from the faucet. Plus, I'm not sure you can put lemon slices into the Brita? My mom had one of these when I was a kid and it lasted forever so, that kinda justifies the $32.50- right? 
I'm super excited about my other purchase and I can't wait until it comes in. These really cool Popsicle sticks! The Lollitups: 



I've been scouring the internet for some great low cal/point popsicle recipes. Here are a few that I plan to try ASAP.

Do you have a great popsicle recipe to share?

Thanks for reading!

(Be sure to check out Project 10's Fearless Leader: Stephanie's Mommy Brain)